In this section papers accepted to the conference are published. They are listed following the alphabetic order of the first author.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | J-K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | W | Z |
Amadini Monica |
The “Table for Education”: learning from community life experiences |
Anslinger E., Laudenbach F., Schreiber-Barsch S., Gundlach H. |
Navigating individually, as a collectivity: second chance learners’ pathways into and within the German system of lifelong learning. |
Augelli Alessandra |
Together in the addiction's experience: when the word rebuilds relations |
Bainbridge Alan |
Senior school leader supervision: “You’re going to have to serve somebody” |
Bedin Maria Grazia, Kuhne Nicolas, Droz-Mendelzweig Marion |
Meaning of living alone in old age: continuity of existence despite existential threats |
Interprofessional Education during academic training courses: promoting collaboration between health care professionals |
Bena Carla, Iacono Pezzillo Elisabetta, Martin Maria Grazia |
Stories that care. Narrative Medicine in Action in Home Care |
Breivik Jan-Kåre, Bareksten Berit, Sudmann Tobba |
Breton Hervé |
Broecher Joachim |
Life stories from Citizens of South Westphalia: Constructed Meaning through Relational Engagement and Expression |
Brooks Ann, Holcomb Michelle R. and Moira C. Martin |
Brooks-Ames Rachel,
Brooks |
Dialogue for Transforming Global Food Sustainability: |
Bruschi Barbara, Camandona Fabiola |
Bruschi Barbara, Alastra Vincenzo e Introcaso Rosa |
Digital Storytelling in Health care setting (1 hour and a half) |
Camboni Paolo |
Lost in paradise. separation and togetherness in the lives of migrant workers in Fuerteventura |
Capo Marianna |
Castiglioni Micaela, Girotti Carola |
Continuity and discontinuity in life and professional transitions |
Chan Adrienne |
Storytelling as a way forward to belonging and identity |
Conti Alessio, Garrino Lorenza, Rizzi Antonella, Borraccino Alberto, Mozzone Silvia, Dimonte Valerio |
Culotta Vincenzo |
Music-listening as a cooperative and embodied knowledge experience (1 hour and a half) |
Dahl Kari Kragh Blume |
Professional learning communities among Danish student teachers and how ‘organising themes’ influence ‘learning lives’ in teacher education institutions |
Del Negro Gaia, Formenti Laura |
What’s in the making of a ‘collective mind’: A researcher-supervisor dialogue about a five-step model of spiralling (this may shift to another group) |
Del Negro Gaia |
Facilitating, analysing, representing. Ethical dilemmas associated with relational reflexivity in co-operative, auto/biographical research |
Marika D’Oria, Maria Milano, Lucia Zannini |
Elbaz-Luwisch Freema |
Listening to inclusion: voices of belonging and not belonging |
Evans Rob |
To know, know, know you …. The delights and discontents of shared understanding and dis-connection in biographical narratives. |
Formenti Laura, Järviluoma Helmi, Aula Inkeri, Muršič Rajko, Pöllänen Sonja, Tiainen Milla |
Symposium - Living in the City: Sensory Experience and the Politics of Memory. An Interdisciplinary Symposium |
Formenti Laura, West Linden |
diverse binaries: auto/biographical encounters with transforming
perspectives in lifelong learning and adult education |
Franzini Manila |
Galimberti Andrea |
Togetherness and systemic thinking. Dealing with "deuterolearning" in educational/training contexts based on narratives. |
GessAshley H., D’Oria Marika |
Beyond boundaries: a narrative inquiry on learning “togetherness” in scientific education |
González Arenas María Marcela |
Gornall Lesley |
Groen Janet |
We Are Not Separate From The Natural World: How Connected Learning Reminds Us of Our Interdependency |
Horsdal Marianne |
Høyen Marianne |
Togetherness in the age of climate change |
Jones Iain, Assi Parminder, Willoughby Roger, Sanders Richard |
King A.E., Fernando S.I. |
Facilitating belongingness through Supported Education for adults living with mental illness |
Langström Christer |
Laurent Marty |
Les lieux transitionnels de la Santé et ce qu’ils nous apprennent sur l’être-ensemble |
Leung Tiffany Wing-Sum |
On social justice: A counseling psychologist’s narrative |
Leyland Peter |
Togetherness – in times of conflict should we re-connect with our creative selves |
Lo Piccolo Serafina, Bertoldo Claudia, Negro Daniela |
Lyngstad Mette Bøe, Stensland Donovan Ruth Marie |
Lyngstad Mette Boe, Wang Yvonne Margaretha |
Lyngstad Mette Bøe, Solbue Vibeke |
Narrative work for integration (avoid double presentation. If they come) |
Luraschi Silvia |
Mambetalina Batima, Evans Rob |
Family as a learning 'place/space'. Social transformation, family biographies and family learning in Kazakhstan. |
MaroneFrancesca, Navarra Maria |
Merrill Barbara, Revers Scott |
Marginality and belonging: Non-traditional students’ perceptions of higher education and the transition into employment |
Midtgard Inger Helen |
Naesboe (Nesbø) and the village of humour (1 hour and a half) |
Mind and Togetherness in Educational Team. The Eco-Training in Adult
Education |
Milano Maria |
Togederness supporting those who care |
Moen Kjetil |
The personal in the professional in mental health care: Methodological considerations. |
Monteagudo Gonzalez José |
Borders: Educating and Empowering between Mexico and the US. A
biographical case study |
Moro Roberto Stefano |
Nosari Sara, Guarcello Emanuela |
“To be born” as a professional. A practice proposal for the care work formation |
Oggionni Francesca |
Oikarinen-Jabai Helena |
Negotiating ideas and values of Islam with young co-researchers |
Osman Ali |
is the
elephant under the rug? The Swedish experience of a black academic |
Towards a framework for teacher visioning for educational and social reconstruction |
Solbue Vibeke |
Negotiate neglected narratives. The lonely girl in class |
The Left Hand of Game Dev - Finding togetherness through polarity |
Stølen Gerd |
Informal Learning of Newly Qualified Teachers in a Norwegian Context |
Stone Paula, Ekins Alison |
Talarico Melania |
Alice, Del Negro Gaia |
West Linden |
Schisms, togetherness and the struggle for an inclusive auto/biographical spirit |
West Linden, Formenti Laura, Bainbridge Alan |
about abstract/publications ESREA |
Flexing the ‘ties that bind’ through adult education |
Zannini Lucia, Gambacorti Passerini Benedetta, Battezzati Pier Maria |