Polito Corep Maryland Calce



A One Day Short Course in Turin:

“Design of Reliable Electronic Products”
Friday, May 25th, 2012

Dr. Michael H. Azarian
Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering (CALCE)
A. James Clark School of Engineering - University of Maryland (USA)
Prof. Flavio G. Canavero
Dipartimento di Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni – Politecnico di Torino


Download Course programme
Download brochure

Download Agenda


Course fee:
€ 400 (VAT exempt for private individual)
€ 484 (VAT included for professionals & companies)


A 20% discount for CALCE consortium members applies:
€ 387 (VAT included for professionals & companies)


Location: COREP, Corso Trento 13, 10129 Torino - Italy


Deadline for application: 21 May 2012 at 24.00 o’clock CET.


To apply please fill in the application form (.doc, .pdf) and send it to iscrizioni@corep.it


COREP secretariat will send an acknowledgement after receiving the payment.


Payment is due after the application has been confirmed. The final deadline for all payments is 22 May 2012.


A maximum number of 35 participants is foreseen. The course will be activated on condition that there are at least 10 participants.


Whereas the course should not be activated, the full tuition fee will be reimbursed.


The payment can be done through:

- Credit card through PayPal, clicking on the button below


Course fee


- Bank Transfer:
Bank account n. 000004416205 
Bank: Unicredit Banca S.p.a. di Torino – Filiale 8060, Via d’Ovidio, 5 – 10129 Torino
Bank International Coordinates: IBAN IT36 B 02008 01160 000004416205


The receipt proving the payment has to be given to the COREP Secretariat within the day after the payment via mail to iscrizioni@corep.it or via fax 011 197.424.19 reporting the name of participant and an e-mail address.


For further information, please contact Ms. Joan Lee (at 1-301-405-1905 or joanyuan@umd.edu) or  Ms. Maria Elisabetta Racca (at +39-011-564-4237 or maria.racca@polito.it).